533 Tennis Avenue
Ambler, PA 19002
Telephone: 203-562-0640
Email: michael@bassettconsulting.com
Bassett Consulting Services formerly specialized in developing custom web-enabled and full-screen decision support systems using SAS/IntrNet® and SAS/AF® software as well as other SAS® products. The goal of these systems was to make it possible for non-programmers to get the reports, analyses, and graphics they need. Bassett Consulting Services was unincorporated at the end of 2005 and its principal consultant, Michael Davis, is employed full-time elsewhere. This site is maintained as a courtesy to our friends and the SAS community.
Elsewhere On This Web Site
Recent Publications (Adobe Acrobat Reader required to view)
- "SCL Rides Again! Porting RESMENU to the Web "
- slides for "SCL Rides Again! Porting RESMENU to the Web "
- "The Best of Cheesy, Sleazy SAS Tricks "
- slides for "The Best of Cheesy, Sleazy SAS Tricks "
- "Statistics & Regression: Easier than SAS"
- slides for "Statistics & Regression: Easier than SAS "
- " Understanding SAS/Warehouse Administrator "
- slides for "Understanding SAS/Warehouse Administrator "
- " You Could Look It Up:
- An Introduction to SASHELP Dictionary Views "
- slides for " You Could Look It Up "
- " Reading From Alternate Sources:
What To Do When The Input Is Not a Flat File "- " slides for Reading From Alternate Sources "
Recent Slide Presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint required to view)
Other Publications (Adobe Acrobat Reader required to view)
- " Adventures in Building Web Applications:
A Tutorial on Techniques for Real-World Applications "- slides for " Adventures in Building Web Applications "
- " Driving to Better Credit Policies : The Risk Strategy Instrument Panel"
- " FRAME Your Mainframe Batch Applications "
- " No Program Is An Island: Passing Parameters to Tasks Launched by Servers and Schedulers"
- " Publish Paper Manuals No More!: An Introduction to Creating HTML Documentation "
- " Publishing User Documentation: PDF or HTML? "
- " Putting Yourself on the Map With the GMAP Procedure"
- slides for " Now that You Have Version 8, What Do You Do? "
- " Round Pegs in Square Holes: Data Warehouses for the Hardware Impaired "
- " SCL for the Rest of Us: Nonvisual Uses of Screen Control Language " (link to Observations web site) " (link to Observations web site)
- " Table Look-Up and Recoding the Lazy Way with PROC FORMAT and CNTLIN Data Sets "
Links to Other Sites